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Aufgaben zur Verlaufsform der Gegenwart - Present Progressive

Mit den folgenden Übungsaufgaben kannst du dein Wissen über das present progressive testen.

  1. 1

    Which of these words are signal words for the present progressive?

  2. 2

    Choose the correct form of the sentences.

  3. 3

    Fill in the gaps using the verbs in brackets.

    1. She ____ (read) a book at the moment.

    2. My teacher ____ (correct) our exams right now.

    3. The days ____ (get) longer.

    4. We ____ (go) to the cinema in some hours.

  4. 4

    Choose the correct form of the negated sentences.

  5. 5

    Build questions with the following words. Use the present progressive.

    1. is – talking – he – to – you?

    2. are – learning – you – now?

    3. they – going – are – to - the – cinema?

    4. am – waiting - in – I – wrong – room? – the

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